Thursday, January 31, 2013

animal control (ppp; mark of the beast)

animal control ... a public-private partnership ...

(business) offer discounted spay/neuter service
(state) require chipping
(state) require annual tax paid
(business) on-site verification
(business) tax, fee, penalty assessment
(business) tax, fee, penalty collection
(state) tax, fee, penalty enforcement
(state) law enforcement
then ...
(business) splits the take with the (state).

..."to protect and serve for the animals" ...
... "proof of current vet care or citation" ...

... for the well-being of the animal ... for the life of the animal ... mark of the beast.

see also
animal control (part 2)
animal control - no valid id (chip)

PNM REC prices fall (as forecast)

then (March 12, 2009)

Small PV NMPRC 570
"PNM’s REC purchase program pays 13 cents/REC - but includes 3:1 REC multiplier approved by
PRC for RPS compliance purposes. 13 cents/REC happens to be 3 times the average national
price for RECs." - erikhawkes

"PNM now anticipated to pay 2/3 less than before (only the average national price; about
4.3 cents/REC)." - erikhawkes

Small PV NMPRC 570
now (January 31, 2013)

PNM REC prices
REC price tables will be updated weekly. Tables last updated on: 01/29/2013

Small Solar -Systems up to 10 kWAC
REC price per kWh 4¢

Systems larger than 10 kWAC up to 100 kWAC
REC price per kWh 5¢
then (March 10, 2009)

Large PV NMPRC 570
"[2] Current retail rate is about 4.3 cents/REC. Assume you could sell your RECs for about
2 cents/REC." - erikhawkes

Large PV NMPRC 570
now (January 31, 2013)

PNM REC prices
REC price tables will be updated weekly. Tables last updated on: 01/29/2013

Systems larger than 100 kWAC up to 1 MWAC
REC price per kWh 2¢

Those price forecasts were perfect by erikhawkes.

PV Grid-Tie Systems Worldwide Pt 5/6

Solar Fiesta Sunday September 21, 2008
Sun 12:15pm - 1:15 pm Birch Room
Speaker: Mike LaVine and Erik Hawkes of All Star Electric Company
Videographer: Janet Bridgers

PNM Response (September 2008)

[PNM person] I had a few free moments this morning and reviewed your analysis.  Nothing in your analysis reflects reality.  Almost everything in it is wrong.  When we met at the Flying Star I told you how Rule 570 and 571 worked.  I explained how net metering works under both Rules.  I explained our REC purchase program.  I told you that your analysis at that time was wrong.  Your latest analysis demonstrates that you did not hear a thing I said.  My only conclusion is that you must think I am lying to you.  I really want to help you understand all this but you seem unwilling to absorb or believe anything I say.  Please don't send me papers and analyses based on your interpretations, as they are wrong.  If you want to prepare an analysis based on what I told you a week ago I will be glad to look at that.

Here is a summary of what I told you last week.  These are the facts:

The net metering benefit to a residential customer who displaces their load with PV generated power is approximately 9 cents per kWh.

In addition, we pay 13 cents per REC for all kWhs generated by the PV system.

Add the two together and you get about 22 cents per kWh of total benefit.

Excess kWh generated and not consumed by load are credited and rolled over to be applied to the next billing month.

The crediting and rollover continues until the customer closes their account.

At that time, if there are excess kWhs, we buy them at our Rate 12 avoided cost, whatever that price is in the month that the account is closed.

For the economics to be optimized, a PV system should be sized no larger than the customers load.

That is it in a nutshell.  No more complicated than that.  Any attempt on your part to portray the above facts any other way is wrong.
everything is a lie.

(nmsea, reia, the media, prc, pnm, the state legislature, the governor's office)

see also
graduation rate up 10% (no exit exam)

conspiracy talk now fact (as forecast)

conspiracy theorist

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

graduation rate up 10% (no exit exam)

(January 25, 2013)
Lawmakers React to Graduation Rate News

"Some New Mexico lawmakers say they are “thrilled” with news that the state’s four-year high school graduation [rate] increased more than ten percent last year."

"Longtime House Education Committee member Rep. Mimi Stewart, D-Albuquerque, told NMiF
Friday that the results are the culmination of a decade’s worth of work."
(January 29, 2013)
NM grad rate jumps after students get break from exam

"The New Mexico high school class lauded last week for increased graduation rates was not required to take a high stakes exit exam."

"The Albuquerque Journal reports that a bill passed and signed in spring 2011 gave students a one-year reprieve from a difficult exit test."
Everything is a lie. Not even Rep. Mimi Stewart spoiled the secret about there being no exit exam this year.
Nobody said a word ... they all kept the secret ... all the media, all the politicians, and the governor too.

Monday, January 28, 2013

a new stand up comic routine (banned and deleted)

this email/comment might get you banned and deleted ...

when you tell your local news site wanna-bees ...

"How is it that you can get $500k to create/run a website for two years, and still have your hand out? ... that's as annoying as a convenience store clerk with a tip jar at the register."

yep ... that might get you banned and deleted.

banned and deleted (updated)

these posts will get you banned and deleted
(added feb 24, 2013)
the guardian uk

(updated) prediction: Pope Benedict XVI will die soon
kob 4 (nbc affiliate station) facebook

paid by the public (so help the public)
nmif (new mexico in focus; pbs program) facebook

growing a story (PR)
krqe 13 and kasa 2 (cbs and fox affiliate stations) facebook

you versus fascism
the bioscience center (nm small business development center) facebook

bioscience center (and 33 other SBDCs)
rio rancho observer
no posts accepted

7 demands revealed (New Century Jobs Agenda)
the media loves facebook because they can delete an individual's entire posting history so quickly and easily ... it's like the person never even existed.

no reason given ... they just don't like what you are saying.

paid by the public (so help the public)

being that [x] is a news website and that people look there for truth and fact ... i think [x] site should be graded by a high school english teacher everyday ... both public and private ...

in addition, state university faculty should be required to provide commentary and insight into today's important political/economic/legal issues such as public-private partnerships and the individual mandate.

they are paid by the public ... so help the public.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

hidden history (2012 us presidential race)

remember when eastwood (republican) gave the throat cut gesture to obama? ... and in return biden gave the finger to ryan? ... and then obama won ... and romney was invited to the white house ... and given a photo of himself standing in front of the presidential desk (as if president) ... as the final laugh? remember that?

the media directed your attention elsewhere.

three "manufactured themes" we all know

Saturday, January 26, 2013

countrified (gorilla tape)

gorilla tape ... good on boots ... and car mirrors ... and the nylon shell to your bib or snow coat.

gorilla tape ... for when you can't use baling wire.

1. Resembling or having the characteristics of country life; rural.
2. Lacking sophistication.

countrified ... not sophisticated, effective.
"Common phrases often include baling wire as an ad hoc, fix-anything material, alongside chewing gum, duct tape (gorilla tape), and the cable tie."

winter weather roller-coaster

a couple weeks ago it was -8F and everything froze ... then just this past wednesday it was 66F and i was wearing a short-sleeve t-shirt ... the rancher's brother says that this is the strangest winter weather he has ever seen here ...

the average annual rainfall in this state is 11 inches ... last year we got about half that ... at the ranch, probably half of that ... today there was a 100% chance of rain ... and it did rain ... it spit ... i didn't put the gauge out ... but i assure you it was nothing ...

the rancher's brother is worried that another cold spell is coming and that everything will freeze again ... he said that without snow, there is no insulation ... and the cold really penetrates the ground ... that last cold spell froze the ground 24 inches down ...

i heard that just down the road they were using chainsaws to cut holes in frozen drinking troughs ... then placing barrels in the holes and burning fires to thaw everything out.

i fear that the rancher's brother is probably right ... it is after all only january.

Friday, January 25, 2013

old-timer's talk (good eatin')

"no beef tastes as good as your neighbor's" (free) [many a cowboy]

"i have great neighbors but am missing a chicken" [mexican old-timer]

Thursday, January 24, 2013

english puppet master?

secretary jon barela and governor susana martinez are pushing public-private partnerships (which is fascism) under the "new century economy jobs agenda," during the new mexico 2013 legislative session ... ( ... and i have repeatedly told them so ... (see posts below) ... and no, no team member ever contacted me ... that is not surprising ... but what i do not understand is ... every time i sent a message to ... 8 simultaneous page views were registered on this blog, and it appears that the page views are from ENGLAND ... not the united states ... not new mexico ... ENGLAND ... what is that all about? does new mexico have an english puppet master?
(branson; spaceport; informed consent)
Thank you for contacting the New century Economy. One of our team members will contact you
shortly. Below is the information you provided.
jan 24, 2013

Case Number

Pete Domenici (the collapse)
jan 11 2013

Case Number

the bioscience center, a priori
jan 7 2013

Case Number

media is in on it. jon barela and susana martinez are pushing public-private partnerships under the new century economy agenda. that is fascism. media is in on it.

conspiracy talk now fact (as forecast)

conspiracy theorist
jan 3, 2013

Case Number

public-private partnerships are fascism.

conspiracy talk now fact (as forecast)

Pete Domenici (the collapse)

The following quote is from Pete Domenici at 3 minutes 22 seconds into the March 6, 2011 episode of Eye on New Mexico. Nicole Brady then asks Domenici why we never hear this side of the story; to which Domenici replies: you tell me.
Eye on New Mexico - March 6, 2011

Pete Domenici: The two of us worked for eight or nine months and produced what we of thought was a method of getting to where we ought to be as a people if we want to avoid what we think could be a tsunami, economic tsunami, a crash, going off the mountain; and that our economy, our dollar, could be in trouble. We could just turn into a second rate power. Now all of that, let's just put it in here for the people to know, all of that could happen because our deficits have accumulated too big a debt. The deficits are annual, debt is the sum of all those annuals. And it's approaching, it is over 14 trillion. And going up at more than one trillion a year. which means we aren't doing very well at controlling our expenditures. And expenditures are one thing but how far the expenditures exceed the tax take, that's the sum of the income tax, that difference is an annual deficit. And so we suggested, one, first we said: Is this a big problem? You bet. Everybody agreed it was mammoth. It was the kind of thing like a WAR. Number two. How would you put it together? You put everything on the table. Everything. Social Security. Medicare. Medicaid. Nobody escapes being looked at. Why? Not because we want to hurt anybody; not because we want people to march in the street, and say we violated our contract; but its because if we don't, something bad will happen to this great country. It's like losing a war to Hitler. And they say in advance: what would it be if you lost a war to Hitler? Well I don't know. We didn't.  We never lost one. But you want to try? To most of them they say: No. But looks like they want to try on this one. If we told you the debt will reach a point where they won't buy our understand, this debt is nothing more than, we gotta raise thirty billion dollars so we put out IOU’s, we announce today, and a hole bunch of people go there and bid, countries bid, and in the last 15 years we’ve been selling most of it overseas, and more than that, we've been selling most of it to a foreign country called China. Who now owns enough of those to be a 900 billion dollar creditor. That means they are owed 900 billion dollars ...American greenbacks that have to be paid so that they can mark the note: “paid in full”. And they are asking: What is with this America? We've been buying these notes because we thought it was the safest place in the world to put money. And here we hear the news is they might go broke. The Chinese are saying: What is with them? And we hear that some Chinese leaders are telling some of our leaders "we’ve come to the conclusion that your leadership does not want to solve this problem.”(20:36)

Pietro Vichi "Pete" Domenici is an American Republican politician, who served six terms as a United States Senator from New Mexico, from 1973 to 2009, the longest tenure in the state's history.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

jailhouse talk

one of my fellow swift crew members (wildlands firefighting) last summer was an ex-con ... and he told me a few interesting facts about the joint ...

first, a name brand cigarette is called a "tailor" (tailor made) and costs $2 per cigarette ... i forget what they called a rolly ... maybe a rolly? ... those are $1 per cigarette ...

second, you can gather tobacco while on a litter crew detail ... just twist out the tobacco from the butts you pick up ... my buddy told me he put his in an orange peel ... oh, right! ... because you had to smuggle it back into the joint! ... wow ... how do you get it "up in" while on the work detail? ... no being shy about it! ...

he also said that a very, very thin pinner was $5 ... (all "butt weed") ...

(i think the working wage in jail is 25 cents per hour ... something like that.)

blowing in the wind (written notes)

... wow ... crazy ... i just went to put crunchies in papa cat's food bowl ... and pressed against the nearby yard fence by a steady wind was a ragged photocopy of a hand written note, originally on notebook paper ... and this is what it says:

they can sexually molest little children, supermodels and elderly grandmothers.

The next logical step in the downward spiral of oppression is to arm these agents and use them to slap down TOTAL police state tyranny in America. At the first opportunity - probably after a gov't staged false flag attack involving a dirty bomb or a bioweapons release - these TSA goons will be set up on every major road and highway, using their new bullet proof roadway checkpoints and their .40 caliber hollow point ammo to put America into a complete Martial Law clamp down where everybody is considered a possible terrorist, and secret arrests (torture, interrogations, beatings, etc.) are commonplace.

Such a plan might be deliberately designed to start a shooting war with the American people, so at that point TSA agents can be unleashed to Kill and rape anyone they want under the banner of "protecting the homeland." The name Homeland Security" is intentionally borrowed straight out of Nazi Germany and its term "Heimatland."
i totally agree ... (and in this county every household is supposed to have a firearm ... by law) ... but i have never found blowing notes in this yard before ... never seen any garbage blowing in the wind at all ...

recently a number of strange events have occurred at neighboring ranches ... an unknown vehicle drove through an inch thick cable which had been strung up for the cows to rub against ... a pipe, 12 feet off the ground, was broken ... a float was twisted off of a water tank ... losing the whole tank of water ... and now there is a low flying aircraft that i am hearing ... it just flew overhead 30 minutes ago ...

i wonder if they are dropping notes? hahahah

cat names

by now we all know mama cat ... she is a thin, long haired calico ... she has four kittens that she is raising in the freezer room ... (that i watch from the kitchen window) ...

the kittens sleep on a thick foam cushion ... they make a cat pile, in a cat bed and a big scrunched up blanket ... and mama cat now has her own space ... she found an open box in the shop that is about 5 ft off the ground and next to an east facing window ... probably pretty warm up there ... any way, that's now mama cats condo ...

i decided it was time to name the cats so that i could recount their future adventures ... so they are:

fur face - long haired brindle, black nose, white whiskers
camo - short haired brindle, black nose, white whiskers
the dark one - short haired black, black nose, white whiskers
milky - short haired black and white, pink nose, white whiskers

fur face loves to walk the window ledge and watch me in the kitchen ... she is always the first up in the window ... camo is usually just to her right (facing me) on the meat display case ... he just sits quietly watching fur face on the ledge and me in the window ... the dark one is usually the next over ... he sits in the yellow clothes basket watching attentively ... mama cat is usually in her condo ... and milky is down on the floor where the plate of food is about to be placed ... hahahah ... recently i've been giving them a cold chopped up hot dog, when they ask for something ... otherwise they've got crunchies to eat.

papa cat lives out in the small barn ... he's an orange tabby.

never submit to a liar (trust yourself)

so the three of us were standing there talking ... the landlord, the tenant, and me ... and the landlord tells the tenant that he and i will go back to the house and turn the electric heater on (for thawing the pipes under the house) before we leave for the day ... and i know that the heater is already on, but the landlord is winking at me, and the tenant is worried about the electric bill, so i keep quiet ...

later in the evening the landlord calls me and says ... why didn't you remind me to go back and turn the heater on? ... and i say, because it was on the whole time and is still on ... i just didn't say anything in front of the tenant because you were winking at me ... and he says, oh, no, no ... i turned that off when you were down in the hole ... which ended the conversation because i had no way to verify or refute that claim ...

the next day, i arrived at the job site first ... and just as i thought, the heater is where it was supposed to be, still running.
when i first met the landlord, his wife said something strange to me, and a room full of people, which caught my attention ... she said, "[me] is trying to figure out which one of us he can trust" ...

and now after watching them all closely for some time ... my answer is "none of them," final answer.
a liar tries to get you to ignore what your eyes and ears tell you and to submit and believe whatever they say, whenever they change it ... it's a bully tactic ... politicians and the news media do it too.
i met a person a few months back who claimed to be a writer ... he told me that his new philosophy was to believe that whatever he said was true, was true ... and then he would feed you an endless line of lies until you either totally rejected him, risking a physical fight ... or totally submitted ... and gave into darkness and slavery and guilt and death and decay ... while he told you about his latest short story of vampires and human feces and endless crap ... just endless ...

i told him that he was the opposite of me and that i was feeling physically ill just listening to him.

i then excused myself from the party and left.
never submit to a liar.

trust yourself.

Monday, January 21, 2013

crazy car drama

a few weeks ago the starter in my [vehicle] went out ... it was another miracle ... i happened to be at the right place, at the right time, with the right people, to solve the problem ...

... with the help of the rancher, his brother, and another relation ... i had a new starter in my vehicle within 24 hours with the lowest possible expense ... and it was a beast of a job ...

today, was the day for drama ... hahhahh ...

earlier i was returning from [a nearby town] and i was driving along with cruise control on ... when i came upon a hill,  and didn't tap the brake soon enough to disengage the cruise control ... then, suddenly, the car downshifted to second gear, popping the rpms up to 4000 and climbing fast ... i hit the brake, and nothing happened  ... i couldn't get the cruise control to disengage and the engine kept reving faster and faster ... even when i stood on the brake ... the engine kept wanting to accelerate ... at top speed ... like the pedal was down to the floor ... and then i thought ... i'd put the car into neutral ... so i did ... and the engine really began reving ... so i quickly put it back into drive ... still standing on the brake ... and pulled over with the engine still trying to accelerate ... and turned off the car.

now i was really concerned ... here i am 50+ miles away from the ranch ... with car trouble ... and i am thinking ... oh, great ... if this car dies ... now my expenses are really going to increase ...

i called the rancher's brother and he came to the rescue ... he found the problem right off too ...

while we were changing out the starter ... a vacuum hose, which was brittle from age, broke, and [the relation] used a hose from his propane tank to splice the broke hose together ...

well, it turns out that the splice (which is larger than the original hose) was large enough in diameter to snag the accelerator cable when the engine downshifted ... and then the cable couldn't retract ... so even though i was braking, the accelerator was stuck wide open ...

once the hose was re-routed, the problem was solved ... and even cruise control works again.


car drama.

liqueur coffee (the next hot thing)

a year ago or so, i heard regis philbin say that he couldn't survive retirement without kahlua ... and a couple of months ago i heard al roker say that a real friend would have put a shot (of rum) in his coffee ... (see a proper host) ...
a proper host
breaking news ... the real deal is coffee, creamer, and disaronno amaretto ... oh, yeah ... (amaretto is also good over vanilla ice cream).

According to Wikipedia:

Liqueur coffee names
This is a list of names sometimes given to liqueur coffees. Some, such as Irish coffee, are widely used and more-or-less standard (there is actually an "official" recipe, but it is not enforced); others local and idiosyncratic. There are many variations in nomenclature: the same name may be used for different combinations:

Whisky Coffee, with whisky
Gaelic coffee, with whisky.

Highland Coffee or Cup o' Evening, with Scotch whisky
Irish Coffee, with Irish whiskey
Bailey's Coffee or Sultan Special Coffee, with Baileys Irish Cream
French Coffee, with Grand Marnier
Brandy Coffee, with brandy (any sort)
Parisienne Coffee, French coffee, or Cafe Royale, with grape brandy, such as cognac or armagnac
Café com cheirinho (scented coffee), Portugal
German Coffee, schnapps, such as Kirschwasser or Himbeergeist
Italian Classico, with Amaretto
Caffe Corretto, with Grappa and/or Sambuca
English Coffee, with gin
Calypso Coffee, Spanish coffee, or Jamaican coffee, with rum and Tia Maria or Kahlúa
Shin Shin Coffee, with rum
Australian Coffee, with Bundaberg rum
Monk's Coffee, with Bénédictine
Seville Coffee, with Cointreau
Witch's Coffee, Strega
Russian Coffee, or Karsk with Vodka
Corfu Coffee, Koum Quat with liquor
Skye Coffee, with Drambuie
The Real Foul One, with Absinthe
American, with Bourbon

Sunday, January 20, 2013

old-timer's phrase (hard worker)

... "a farting horse will never tire ... a farting man is the man to hire." [from an old-timer's long gone dad]

jerky for a phone card

i use a "throw and go" phone from walmart ... i buy the $30 one month card, pay cash ... my service ends tomorrow and i don't have time to drive for two hours to get another card ... or want to spend the $13 of gas ...

i tried purchasing a one month card from the service provider over the phone ... but they wanted to open an account with me ... asked me for my father's middle name ... said it was for security purposes ... i told them i didn't want them to know my father's middle name or to record that kind of information on me ... i hung up ...

so i emailed [my brother] ... i offered to send him jerky within a week or so if he'd pick me up a card today from his local walmart ... just down the road from him ... in a city ... he could call or email me the pin ... i will mail him the jerky.

i bet he does. [he did].

prepaid phone cards ... the next illegal trade? ... or soon a thing of the past?

distance for help (flat tire)

in a lot of ways, living in the country is the exact opposite of city living ... in the city you just call somebody whenever you have a problem ... in the country you often do the repairs yourself ...

remember this ... in the country:
(great) distance for help
(sometimes no) phone service
(you need) tools

i got a flat tire yesterday ... it was saturday evening and the tire shop was closed ... that didn't even enter [the rancher's] mind ... he showed me how to patch a flat tire ... he did it, i watched, i think i could do it next time ...

first ... you want to mark the location of the valve stem and weights with chalk or a crayon ... so that the tire goes on the way it came off, and then you don't have to rebalance it ...

next, use soapy water to find the puncture hole ... pull the tire from the rim (you do need the right tools) ... remove the nail/debris ... use drill with wire brush to clean inside of tire ... put glue down over and around the hole ... blow on it a little ... peel seal from patch and place on glue over hole ... smooth with tool ... reassemble everything ... done.

... fortunately i was at [the rancher's] residence when i got the flat ... no distance this time ... anywhere else, and it gets more complicated.

Friday, January 18, 2013

mandatory drug testing (mandatory recycling)

- what if the d.m.v. required mandatory drug testing for all drivers? ...
would that rile you up? ...
- what if all parents of all students were required to take mandatory drug tests? ...
would that rile you up? ...
- what if your mandatory health insurance required a mandatory drug test at least once per year? ...
would that rile you up? ...
- what about mandatory drug testing for all gun owners?
would that rile you up?

why not just assign everybody a parole officer? ... would that rile you up?

in south florida they are about to implement mandatory recycling ... with fines up to $2000 per offense ... if an "authorized" individual (ppp) wanted to make a mandatory random inspection of your home garbage, with the possibility of a $2000 fine in the air ... would that rile you up?

it's bigger than just you being innocent or guilty of violating one particular law ... (though i don't want a p.o.) ... its about this new subjugation of the population by the state with force, when the power of the government is derived from the people ... not dictated from above ... that is the issue ... and that should rile you up.

conspiracy talk now fact (as forecast)

Political Translation

Thursday, January 17, 2013

a slice of pie

the [friend] who has been helping me out so much ... his wife works at the only cafe in the nearby town ... she gave me the hook up on pies ... and i was able to get six slices (an entire pie) for a great deal ...

i like that scene from the john travolta movie "michael" when they go to the pie cafe and order two slices of everything ... hahahhah ...

i noticed that the whole family was chatting happily about these pies when i brought it up earlier ... and after i finished my first slice of chocolate cream, i knew that if i ate the other five slices, that i would be moving out of my jeans within a week ...

so i called up the friend and delivered to him four of the slices ... a chocolate cream, 2 banana cream, and one peanut butter ... they really were good ... and i just know that everybody loved them as much as i did ... with a family of five ... i doubt they ever pay $20 on one night's dessert ...

now when his wife comes home from work ... after probably thinking about me and the six slices all day long ... she is going have an incredible shock because i bet there will be one of those slices there for her.

oklahoma credit card (water)

yesterday the old chevy that i use to haul water would not start ... i called the rancher's brother and told him ... and he just so happened to be breaking ice at one of his wells down the road ... so he came by ...

turns out that the starter is out ... (heard that before) ... so we used his truck to pull start the chevy which was towing the water hauling trailer ... just hooked up a chain ... turned the ignition to on ... put it in second ... kept the chain tight ... 10 mph and a hundred feet, if that ... dropped the clutch ... then braked both vehicles ... as easy as that.

the trick then was to complete four water hauling trips before the truck ran out of fuel ... because i would then need another pull start ... (i had the fuel) ... the brother stuck around until i was done, just in case ...

well, i got the water loaded in both the main tank and the cow trough ... but there is no water yet flowing from the main tank to either the house or the trough ... i am hoping that this nice weather thaws everything out ...

there were four days in a row below zero last week ... last sunday, was -8F ... the neighbors say colder ... and everything froze ... i didn't know it at the time because the water was low in the main tank ... and when that happens, the gravity pressure is not enough to push the water to the house ... (the pressure tank went out before the well went dry) ... so i couldn't drip any faucets ... and the water level in the cow trough dropped below the filling pipe in the water, so it froze too ... (i know this because no water is coming out) ...

i was just given a pointer ... since, we don't want the water level in the cow trough to fall below the filling pipe again ... (and thus freeze again) ... the brother suggested that i siphon the water from the main tank into the cow trough ...

the oklahoma credit card!
oklahoma credit card
so i used a garden hose and dropped one end through the ice in the main tank and then ran the hose to the cow trough ... a couple of sucks (like on a pipe) ... and i could hear and feel the water coming through the hose towards the cow trough ... the top of the main tank is probably 8 feet high, the hose was probably 3 feet down into the main tank ... and the the cow trough is twenty feet away, at ground level, with about a two foot high lip ...


we still need everything to thaw out ... and i don't know how to prevent this from happening again ... because i can't haul water when it is below freezing, or else i risk breaking the pump and plastic fittings on the hauling tank ... but if the main house tank gets low, then i can't drip faucets ... and everything freezes ...

catch 22.

fed stress (no joy of progress)

news should be more like investing ... specifically, technical analysis ... plotting charts and drawing trend lines ... moving averages ... momentum indicators ... looking at the long-term charts and short-term patterns ... matching turning points to vote dates, etc ...

instead we are fed stress.

car accidents, dwis, homicides, frozen pipes, political corruption, dog attacks ...

no gain is ever made ... no joy of progress ...

it's not supposed to be that way.

living in opposite world

how to watch political news shows

one over ninety nine (and the ceiling between)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Mexico State of State 2013 address (ppp)

no mention of ppps again this year in the state of the state address ... even though the new century jobs agenda is nothing but demands for public-private partnerships.

Governor Martinez's 2013 State of the State speech

7 demands revealed (New Century Jobs Agenda)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

these posts will get you banned and deleted

these posts will get you banned and deleted
nmif (new mexico in focus; pbs program) facebook

growing a story (PR)
krqe 13 and kasa 2 (cbs and fox affiliate stations) facebook

you versus fascism
the bioscience center (nm small business development center) facebook

bioscience center (and 33 other SBDCs)
rio rancho observer

no posts accepted

7 demands revealed (New Century Jobs Agenda)

the media loves facebook because they can delete an individual's entire posting history so quickly and easily ... it's like the person never even existed.

no reason given ... they just don't like what you are saying.

horseshoe sunrise

i just noticed that when i walk around the ranch house and look at the horizon line, at no point is it a straight line ... there is a continuous mountain range to ridge line wave crest that surrounds me here ... almost like being at the bottom of a large crater and looking up ... but no such thing actually exists ...

... i'm noticing an amazing thing in the morning ... as the night sky lightens and turns from black to blue, and the orange light of the sun begins to rise in the east ... the orange light actually crawls around the horizon ridge line on both sides of me like a horseshoe ... at least 270 degrees ... it's a panoramic sunrise ... like being on the nearside of the moon during an eclipse, with the sun rising behind you ... horseshoe sunrise.

when it's you versus fascism

when it's you versus fascism ... there is no debate ... you lose every time ...
it is a conspiracy ... and they are not on your side ...

so don't get upset about it ... keep doing what you are doing ...
posting your arguments, fighting your fight ...  

what was the star doing the day before discovery?
the same as (s)he always does.

Monday, January 14, 2013

one over ninety nine (and the ceiling between)

what is that? ... because it ain't a democracy ... and it ain't a republic neither ...

you have the masses down there ... 99 ... then above, a horizontal level (/), or ceiling, comprised of the universities and education system ... the media ... the politicians ... the clergy (?) ... and who knows what (business) ... telling the masses whatever they want to tell them .... then above that ... what, the rich and powerful? ... 1? ... 1/99 ... something like that? ... or 1/999 or 1/9999 ...

who's on top, creating and driving the agenda?

"Frank, president of the University of New Mexico, sees the university's business startup program as a catalyst of economic growth."

"We have been averaging eight business startups a year, but our goal is to increase it by four and then double it to 16 a year. We see this as an economic driver and will partner with the city and state and venture capitalists to get there," Frank said.

[local news story] Frank, Barela push for more diverse NM economy

... so now, because the president of unm (Robert Frank) supports the ppps and jon barela's new century jobs agenda ... every political science professor at unm also loves ppps? ... none of them will say otherwise ... nobody is speaking out against ppps ... nobody from the universities and education system ... nobody from the media ... no politicians ... none of the clergy (?) ... no business person.
ppps are straight fascism ... somebody say something.

“Public-Private Partnerships – when private industry provides public services for profit.
The original taxes for the services remain in place, but a duplicative “service for FEE”
structure is added. It is FASCISM, and it should NOT be considered as a solution to the
State’s budget woes. It promotes monopolies and destroys small business. If the stakeholder
is not a shareholder, he has no voice.”

7 demands revealed (New Century Jobs Agenda)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

a factor of 9 in savings

i got this turkey pastrami loaf for 3 bucks, down from at least 6 ... shredded sharp cheddar cheese on sale 6 bucks, down from 12 ... super fancy ginger italian dressing 1 dollar down from 3 ... and wheat bread 1 buck a loaf ... (and a little bit of butter and electricity.)

i know i have it down to 1 dollar per - "grilled pastrami cheddar melt, with ginger italian dressing on wheat" ... hahahhah ...

total cost, 11 for 11 ... or 13 for 13 ... so, a buck.

it's a nine dollar sandwich anywhere else.

(from what i have observed), the rules are:

if you buy trendy, or go out, you pay 3 times normal ...
if you buy normal, or stay in, you pay normal ...
if you buy discounts (1/2 to 1/3), and stay in (1/3), you pay 1/2 to 1/9 normal.

it's a factor of 9 in savings.

3Ps are bad, but 6Ps are good

getting colder ... i am ready ... last night was -2F and tonight should be colder ...

wow ... i cannot believe how lucky i am to have the -35F sleeping bag ... the snow bib and coat and boots ... the insulated gloves ... the cord of wood ... wow...

i broke the ice twice today ... sunrise and sunset ...

i am so much warmer than i otherwise would be ...

3Ps are bad (public-private partnerships), but 6Ps are good ...

prior planning prevents piss poor performance.

bioscience center (and 33 other SBDCs)

Yep. The BioScience Center is an SBDC.
What is an SBDC (small business development center)?

Approximately 900 Small Business Development Center sites are funded through a combination of state and SBA [federal] support in the form of matching grants. Typically, SBDCs are co-located at community colleges, state universities, and/or other entrepreneurial hubs.

An SBDC is a company that gets "matching grants" from the state ... they are a state-supported institution ... they are a public-private partnership ... it is fascism ... the state supports the incubator, which then picks other "winner" businesses to support, which then receive preferential treatment from the state (financing, taxation, marketing, etc..) ... “Put New Mexico First” opportunities ... and it goes on and on and on ...

it is the end of a level playing field ... either you are state-supported or you are not.

five (from 7 demands revealed)
(Lisa Adkins - Director bioscience center)
REC 8 (ppp): Create a business culture of innovation and growth
REC 12 (ppp): Establish a Bioscience Center SBDC (open house jan 10, 2013)
REC 18 (ppp): Establish a collaborative culture
Strategy : Promote “Put New Mexico First” opportunities in organizations that are state-supported, as well as in laws and policies.

Browsing 34 Private Market Investors (SBDCs) in New Mexico, United States  

Albuquerque SBDC at CNM      Business Incubator / SBDC
Arrowhead Center       Business Incubator / SBDC
Central NM Community College South Valley SBDC   Business Incubator / SBDC
Clovis Community College SBDC    Business Incubator / SBDC
Clovis/Curry County Chamber of Commerce   Business Incubator / SBDC
Cottonwood Technology Group     Venture Capital
Eastern New Mexico University SBDC Roswell    Business Incubator / SBDC
Flywheel Ventures     Venture Capital
Gathering of Angels       Angel Investor Group
Hurst Capital, LLLP       Private Equity
Jerome Capital LLC      Venture Capital
Los Alamos Commerce & Development Corporation  Business Incubator / SBDC
Luna Community College SBDC     Business Incubator / SBDC
Mesa Capital Partners      Private Equity
Mesalands Community College SBDC     Business Incubator / SBDC
New Mexico Angels, Inc.     Angel Investor Group
New Mexico Community Capital    Venture Capital
New Mexico Junior College SBDC    Business Incubator / SBDC
New Mexico Private Investors    Angel Investor Group
New Mexico SBDC       Business Incubator / SBDC
San Juan College Enterprise Center     Business Incubator / SBDC
Santa Fe Business Incubator    Business Incubator / SBDC
SJC Enterprise Center     Business Incubator / SBDC
South Valley Economic Development Center  Business Incubator / SBDC
Sun Mountain Capital LLC    Venture Capital
The Bioscience Center       Business Incubator / SBDC
University of New Mexico - Gallup SBDC    Business Incubator / SBDC
University of New Mexico - LA - Sandoval County SBDC Business Incubator / SBDC
University of New Mexico - Taos SBDC    Business Incubator / SBDC
University of New Mexico-Los Alamos SBDC  Business Incubator / SBDC
University of New Mexico-Valencia SBDC    Business Incubator / SBDC
Verge         Venture Capital
Vestor Partners, LP       Private Equity
WESST Enterprise Center      Business Incubator / SBDC

Jan 10 2013 Open House The BioScience Center

"The first innovation center of its kind in New Mexico"

"Resident companies, investors, legislative representatives and VIPs will all be
represented. "

... and yet, where's the media? ... where's the media coverage? ... still no story about the bioscience center already being open ... there are at least 34 PPPs in New Mexico ... and still no media coverage ... fascism is propagating like weeds ... and the media is in on it.

Pete Domenici
March 19, 2011

"It's like losing a war to Hitler. And they say in advance: what would it be if you lost a war to Hitler? Well I don't know. We didn't.  We never lost one. But you want to try? To most of them they say: No. But looks like they want to try on this one." (Pete Domenici)

Friday, January 11, 2013

7 demands revealed (New Century Jobs Agenda)

jon barela and susana martinez are pushing public-private partnerships under the new century jobs agenda. that is all fascism ... the agenda is based on 20 recommendations ... by reorganizing the 20 recommendations, seven demands are revealed ...
Demand 1 of  7
(replace education with training)
REC 1 (ppp): Integrate workforce development,economic development, and education systems
REC 2 (ppp): Prioritize workforce needs for teacher training
REC 3 (ppp): Involve business in developing “soft” skills program
(then ... conspiracy) (added feb 22, 2013)
Political Translation
Apr 26, 2011

Children's Reading Foundation of Doña Ana County (ppp) ... early childhood development program

Steve Fischmann is a state senator representing District 37 and is a board member of the Children's Reading Foundation.
[now ... local news story] (added feb 22, 2013)
Denish asks biz leaders to push for early childhood funding
Feb 21, 2013

Invest in Kids NOW!  (ppp) ... early childhood development program

"The Invest in Kids NOW program would involve visits to the homes of children before they enter kindergarten. Those visits would include parental coaching, nutritional advice, medical screening and other measures to make sure children are fully prepared to enter kindergarten."

... former Lt. Gov. Diane Denish
Demand 2 of  7
(make it legal and profitable)
REC 4 (ppp): Reform tax policies
REC 9 (ppp): Review legislation, tax provisions, and regulations
REC 20 (ppp): Streamline permitting policies and procedures
[ap news story] (added feb 18, 2013)
Rio Rancho to apply for loan for water rights

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - The City Council in Rio Rancho has given approval for the city to apply for a loan so it can snap up 400-acre-feet of water rights being offered by a source that officials have declined to name until the deal is finalized.
Demand 3 of  7
(give us money)
REC 5 (slush fund): Establish a state capital outlay plan
REC 6 (slush fund): Establish consistent funding for technology commercialization
REC 13 (slush fund): Create seed funding
[local news story] (added mar 1, 2013)
Legislative roundup, March 1, 2013
mar 1, 2013

Some call it “pork,” but some call it “The Work New Mexico Act.” Whatever you call it, the House on Friday passed House Bill 337, a $173.7 million capital outlay bill sponsored by Rep. Jim Trujillo, D-Santa Fe.
[local news story] (added feb 26, 2013)
Lawmakers say there's agreement over capital outlay projects
Feb 25, 2013

The measure (House Bill 337), announced Monday by Democratic leaders, would mean $123 million for construction-ready projects around New Mexico.

"When the Democratic leadership first unveiled its emergency capital outlay bill — known as the Work New Mexico Act — it included some $100 million in spending. But Republicans on the House Taxation and Revenue Committee, which Trujillo co-chairs, complained they weren’t consulted and asked why some things were included, others left out. When Trujillo told them all the projects were vetted, ready to go and that, by the way, he had the votes to pass the measure without them, one lawmaker called him a bully."
Demand 4 of  7
(get the military involved)
REC 7 (ppp): Enhance policies and incentives for national laboratories
REC 10 (ppp): Develop aerospace supply chain
REC 11 (ppp): Support industry associations
[AP] (added mar 6, 2013)
Governor urges lawmakers to pass bill exempting liability for space parts firms
mar 5, 2013

ALBUQUERQUE — Negotiations to lock space tourism company Virgin Galactic into a long-term lease at the spaceport New Mexico taxpayers built for it are on hold while a proposal to broaden liability exemptions for space companies lingers in the Legislature, Gov. Susana Martinez said Tuesday.

[Virgin Galactic President and CEO George Whitesides] hinted last year that the company could leave New Mexico if lawmakers failed for a second year to pass a bill that would extend legal liability exemptions to space parts suppliers. He and the governor have both said the legislation, which would protect companies from lawsuits by passengers on spaceflights, is necessary for New Mexico to compete with states like Texas, Florida and Colorado, which already have the exemption on the books and are developing their own spaceports.
[local news story]
NM to lose jobs in face of fiscal cliff
December 28, 2012
"There's ways you can look at new ways of partnering, new ways of doing business," said Casey DeRaad of the Phillips Technological Institute, a networking agency for public-private partnerships in the defense industry."
[local news story] (added feb 18, 2013)
Spaceport 'informed consent' bill passes House unanimously
Feb 7, 2013

"Virgin Galactic, the anchor tenant at Spaceport America in southern New Mexico, said passing the bill was critical to allow the spaceport to function. The proposal, supporters say, could also attract more spaceport-related companies by reducing their liability burdens."
[local news story] (added feb 18, 2013)
It’s unanimous: Spaceport informed consent bill sails through Senate
Jan 30, 2013
Demand 5 of  7
(Lisa Adkins - Director bioscience center)
REC 8 (ppp): Create a business culture of innovation and growth
REC 12 (ppp): Establish a Bioscience Center SBDC (open house jan 10, 2013)
REC 18 (ppp): Establish a collaborative culture
Strategy : Promote “Put New Mexico First” opportunities in organizations that are state-supported, as well as in laws and policies.
bioscience center (and 33 other SBDCs)
Demand 6 of  7
(get everybody wired)
REC 15 (ppp): Implement a statewide connectivity plan
REC 17 (ppp): Conduct digital media pilot programs for students
... the story below is the set-up prior to a proposal for another ppp ... we already know the name of the first ppp school ... New Mexico Connections Academy ... (see below) ...
[AP news story]
NM faces huge digital divide despite investments
(feb 24, 2013)

Such broad distances and low population densities make digital infrastructure expensive to install and prevents many commercial providers from laying fiber optics or other broadband technology without government assistance.
[AP news story]
Skandera OKs online school despite opposition
(feb 3, 2013)

New Mexico education chief Hanna Skandera, overruling the state Public Education Commission this week, will allow a new all-online charter school to open in the fall.

The Albuquerque Journal reported that the school will be called New Mexico Connections Academy and will contract with the online, for-profit curriculum company Connections Academy. The school aims to serve students in grades K-12 from around the state.
Demand 7 of  7 
(Stuart Rose - Technology transfer position)
REC 16 (ppp): Create technology transfer position
REC 14 (ppp): Encourage 21st Century medicine
REC 19 (ppp): Provide access to essential information
[local news story] (added mar 4, 2013)
Window is closing on state-run health exchange
mar 3, 2013

“This is not a free market,” Evans said. The federal health care law requires people to have health insurance — they don’t have a choice, she said. “I think it is ridiculous when they talk about a free market like people are going to McDonald’s.”

Navigators’ pay, at least in the first year of the exchange’s operation, is also a concern. Currently, federal funds can pay to train navigators but can’t be used to fund their salaries. The exchanges are expected to generate revenue to pay the navigators, but until the exchange gets started, those funds aren’t available, state officials say.

Organizations such as New Mexico Voices for Children want state policymakers to appropriate $2 million in the proposed state budget to pay navigators’ salaries. But so far, the Martinez administration has resisted that idea.
[press release] (added feb 26, 2013)
Stuart Rose licenses ‘cell cleaning’ technology from UNM – creating Biophagy, LLC
feb 14, 2013

The BioScience Center’s founder, Stuart Rose, doesn’t just talk the talk – he walks the walk as well! An agreement with STC.UNM to license cell cleaning technology was finalized in January, 2013. With license agreement in hand, Stuart created another start-up called Biophagy, LLC, which will also incubate at The BioScience Center.
jon barela and susana martinez are pushing public-private partnerships under the new century jobs agenda. that is all fascism.

"Therefore be it resolved that the endorsers of this resolution support the following legislative agenda [new century jobs agenda] that was developed though input from local business, community and economic development leaders with recommendation[s] developed out of the New Century Economy Summit [the twenty now grouped to seven] to improve New Mexico’s competitiveness and opportunities for investment."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

the bioscience center, a priori

jon barela and susana martinez are pushing public-private partnerships under the new century economy agenda ... to be introduced during this legislative session beginning january 15, 2013 ...
this is all FASCISM.

the new century economy agenda is based on 20 recommendations from the new century economy summit (October 2, 2012) ...

Recommendation 12 from the New Century Economy Summit is  to establish a Bioscience Center ...

... and yet 2 MONTHS BEFORE the summit on AUGUST 13, 2012 Steve Ginsberg of Albuquerque Business First writes this article (still the ONLY article about the bioscience center):

BioScience Center incubator coming to Uptown

"Dr. Stuart Rose has acquired a 20,000-square-foot building in Uptown that he will convert into a biotech incubator called The BioScience Center."

"He has named Lisa Adkins director of the center. She also serves as chairwoman of the New Mexico Technology Council."

“We look forward to community outreach efforts and creating an environment for technology businesses in New Mexico to drive innovation, grow and succeed,” Adkins said. (REC 8 (ppp): Create a business culture of innovation and growth)

Stuart Rose's position is not specified ... but i am wondering if he IS recommendation 16... (REC 16 (ppp): Create technology transfer position.)

... and now 5 DAYS BEFORE the request is even made during the legislative session beginning january 15, the facility opens TODAY.

check it out:

January 10 at 4:00 pm
Open House Introducing The BioScience Center

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

private news (here come the horrors)

[local news] Online Archive, (fee based)

You may search the archive and scan headlines for free. A fee of $2.95 is charged for each story displayed in full. To view stories you must create an account with NewsLibrary, the service which makes the archive available through the internet. By setting up an account, your credit card number will be kept on file so that you will not have to enter it each time you wish to retrieve the full text of an article.

Single article $2.95
3 article pack $6.95, good for one week
10 article pack $21.95, good for one month
25 article pack $49.95, good for one month
40 article pack $79.95, good for one month
50 article pack $100.00, good for one month
600 article pack $1200.00, good for one year
1200 article pack $2000.00, good for one year

(yes. this is from an actual local news site.)

Wow. They are really proud of their work ... aren't they.

if all news websites did this, would it bring to an end the captured text with url link?

i think we are about to see the emergence of private news ... (here come the horrors.)

cow calling (this blows my cover)

all the cows, but one, are currently yelling at me ... [the rancher] wants to try and nurse back to health a red and white faced cow that has a lame back leg ... so just as the herd was headed out to pasture for the evening i decided to try and coax the poor heifer into the corral ...

there i was, calling to the cow ... com'on mama ... come here ... you can do it mama ... com'on ... com'on mama ... there you go ... com'on ... and when i thought she might turn back, i would rub the space between her shoulders (where cows are always trying to lick) ...

... and sure enough ... one hobbled step at a time we made it past the other cows to the drinking tank and then into the corral ... where i gave her alfalfa hay ... and now none of the other cows are going anywhere ... they want their hay too!

i was surprised ... it worked!

the bull just gave me a guilt-trip look ... he didn't say anything.

oklahoma credit card

oklahoma credit card 

A length of hose, tubing, etc ... used to siphon gasoline (in order to steal it.)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

a cord of wood

sandy, hard
carbide chain
100, 3:1
handle and tank

gas truck
oil truck
gas/oil mix saw
chain saw
oil saw
bar saw
file saw

permit, season

risk caught
truck, trailer, saw, wood

risk injury
leg, foot, eyes

150 for one cord




(a lot more wood than i thought)

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Century Economy Summit (20 recommendations)

jon barela and susana martinez are pushing public-private partnerships under the new century economy agenda. that is fascism.

"Therefore be it resolved that the endorsers of this resolution support the following legislative agenda that was developed though input from local business, community and economic development leaders with recommendation developed out of the New Century Economy Summit to improve New Mexico’s competitiveness and opportunities for investment."

New Century Economy Summit (20 recommendations)

New Century Economy Summit Report
October 2, 2012
CNM Workforce Training Center, Albuquerque, NM

REC 1 (ppp): Integrate workforce development,economic development, and education systems
REC 2 (ppp): Prioritize workforce needs for teacher training
REC 3 (ppp): Involve business in developing “soft” skills program
(1 Soft skills include professionalism or work ethic, oral and written communication, teamwork and collaboration, critical thinking or problem-solving skills.)
Strategy : Require that these “soft” skills are taught and used in the schools.
REC 4 (ppp): Reform tax policies
REC 5 (slush fund): Establish a state capital outlay plan
Strategy: Establish a closing fund to capture job creation projects where New Mexico is competing against other states.
(2 Funding the state can provide as a way to help close a deal and bring a company to New Mexico. This could be in the form of a Local Economic Development Act grant that goes toward infrastructure development.)
REC 6 (slush fund): Establish consistent funding for technology commercialization
Strategy : Create additional funding sources to bridge the gap between grant and early stage funding to support technology demonstrations, expand proof of concepts for commercial applications, and market research.
REC 7 (ppp): Enhance policies and incentives for national laboratories
REC 8 (ppp): Create a business culture of innovation and growth
REC 9 (ppp): Review legislation, tax provisions, and regulations
REC 10 (ppp): Develop aerospace supply chain
REC 11 (ppp): Support industry associations
REC 12 (ppp): Establish a Bioscience Center
REC 13 (slush fund): Create seed funding
REC 14 (ppp): Encourage 21st Century medicine
Strategy : Realign the anti-donation clause to allow for broader investment in New Mexico start-up companies.
REC 15 (ppp): Implement a statewide connectivity plan
REC 16 (ppp): Create technology transfer position
REC 17 (ppp): Conduct digital media pilot programs for students
Strategy : Put a digital media device in the hands of every student in the pilot programs and minimize costs by leveraging sponsorship with major companies and replacing textbook purchases.
REC 18 (ppp): Establish a collaborative culture
Strategy : Promote “Put New Mexico First” opportunities in organizations that are state-supported, as well as in laws and policies.
REC 19 (ppp): Provide access to essential information
Strategy :
1.Request organizations to identify relevant data that are currently being maintained.
2. Create a portal/online directory that is updated regularly to assist in locating and
accessing data.
3. Collaborate with local stakeholders on an ongoing basis to identify gaps in data.
REC 20 (ppp): Streamline permitting policies and procedures

Pete Domenici
March 19, 2011

"It's like losing a war to Hitler. And they say in advance: what would it be if you lost a war to Hitler? Well I don't know. We didn't.  We never lost one. But you want to try? To most of them they say: No. But looks like they want to try on this one." (Pete Domenici)

forever fixing plumbing, not (part 2)

he stalled all day sunday ... i told him that i was available from 800 to 1330 ... and heard not a word until 1830 ... he said we would play it by ear today ...

i texted him this morning, saying if he needed help today to call somebody else ... i am outta there ...

i don't trust that bunch any more ... at all.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

forever fixing plumbing, not

my suspicions about these people are building again ... i now suspect that he is stalling because he doesn't want to start the job ... he doesn't want me to help him ... he wants me to do the job alone and thus take RESPONSIBILITY for the job ... and be hooked forever fixing the plumbing in this mobile home ...

the plumbing in this trailer may freeze every year from what i have seen ... and this would be my first ever plumbing job ... yeah, wise choice ...

here i am trying to do the extraordinary (to help them during their emergency) ... and they are trying to hook me into the perpetual.

evil i tell'ya.

i'll be watching closely ... if this is true, i am out of there.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

old hippie adage

"weed will get you through times with no money better than ...
 money will get you through times with no weed."

... i am trying to squeeze [a friend's] emergency into my busy schedule ... tomorrow i absolutely need to go cut firewood ... and [my friend] has frozen plumbing under his mobile home rental ... with an anxious tenant ...

i suggested to him that if he could supply me with a truck bed load of firewood (4x8x4 = 1 cord), then i could work the entire day for him on his plumbing emergency ... instead of cutting wood myself.

he told me that one cord of wood cost 3 times the daily rate he is paying me ... and yet, even i could surely cut that much wood in one day ... ( two cords is common) ...

obviously that means i need to go cut my own firewood.

and then it hits him ... his emergency is less important than cutting firewood.

did the world just turn upside down?

"firewood will get you through times with no money better than
money will get you through times with no firewood."

one cord wood = 3 X one days labor.

... for which other commodities does this old hippie adage hold true?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

bacon calls cats too

i got into buying the bigger packages of bacon ends and pieces ... some of the pieces are nothing but fat and i give those pieces to the cats ... well, now, all i have to do is say "bacon" ... like the dog in those beggin strips commercials ... and the cats are up in the kitchen window anxious with anticipation ... watching my every move ... noses in the air, licking their lips, and stretching ... even mama cat was up there this morning ...

later at dusk, mama cat was sitting on a chair on the front porch watching the four kittens play tag in the front yard ... i looked out the front door window ... and she saw me there in the dark ... but i stayed still and she just turned back towards the kids playing.

last night it got down to -3F ... papa cat seems to be doing fine out there in the small barn in the corral ... i put food out for him everyday ... and i see him run when the front screen door slams shut.

a couple of days ago i saw a very cute thing happen ... papa cat's bowl is now on the far side of this big tree to protect it and him from the wind ... well, i saw the black kitten on the near side of the tree trying to peak around the tree at papa cat while he was eating ... hahahha ... you know, papa cat is still a stranger to all the kittens and this black one is curious about the older guy.

(i tried putting some bacon out for papa cat the other day too ... you know, mama cat chased him off and ate his bacon ... that wasn't cool... she ate papa cat's bacon.)