Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Century Jobs Agenda (demand 7 of 7)

jon barela and susana martinez are pushing public-private partnerships (ppp) under the new century jobs agenda during this 2013 legislative session ... ppps are all fascism ... the agenda is based on 20 recommendations ... by reorganizing the 20 recommendations, seven demands are revealed ... demand number 7 of 7 is for the state legislature to officially create a technology transfer position ... and (forecast) to hire Stuart Rose for that position.
Demand 7 of  7
(Stuart Rose - Technology transfer position)
REC 16 (ppp): Create technology transfer position
REC 14 (ppp): Encourage 21st Century medicine
REC 19 (ppp): Provide access to essential information
[local news story] (added mar 4, 2013)
Window is closing on state-run health exchange
mar 3, 2013

“This is not a free market,” Evans said. The federal health care law requires people to have health insurance — they don’t have a choice, she said. “I think it is ridiculous when they talk about a free market like people are going to McDonald’s.”

Navigators’ pay, at least in the first year of the exchange’s operation, is also a concern. Currently, federal funds can pay to train navigators but can’t be used to fund their salaries. The exchanges are expected to generate revenue to pay the navigators, but until the exchange gets started, those funds aren’t available, state officials say.

Organizations such as New Mexico Voices for Children want state policymakers to appropriate $2 million in the proposed state budget to pay navigators’ salaries. But so far, the Martinez administration has resisted that idea.

[press release]
Stuart Rose licenses ‘cell cleaning’ technology from UNM – creating Biophagy, LLC
feb 14, 2013

The BioScience Center’s founder, Stuart Rose, doesn’t just talk the talk – he walks the walk as well! An agreement with STC.UNM to license cell cleaning technology was finalized in January, 2013. With license agreement in hand, Stuart created another start-up called Biophagy, LLC, which will also incubate at The BioScience Center.

New Century Jobs Agenda (demand 1 of 7)
(replace education with training)

New Century Jobs Agenda (demand 2 of 7)
(make it legal and profitable)

New Century Jobs Agenda (demand 3 of 7)
(give us money)

New Century Jobs Agenda (demand 4 of 7)
(get the military involved)

Demand 5 of  7
(Lisa Adkins - Director bioscience center)
the bioscience center, a priori

New Century Jobs Agenda (demand 6 of 7)
(get everybody wired)

Demand 7 of  7
(Stuart Rose - Technology transfer position)

7 demands revealed (New Century Jobs Agenda)

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